Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Dressed at Last

A small confession: I'm really not much of a Victorian. Oh, I believe the era did a number of things right sartorially and artistically and musically, but there are others dearer to my heart. In terms of suiting myself to Caledon, I've decided the wisest choice is to adopt artistic dress for everyday and bring out the more traditional stuff for occasions. Full corsets are, to my mind, really more of a sometime thing. That decided, it's not an enormous leap to tailor my clothes slightly toward the early 1800s, since the wearers of artistic dress did look to that period for inspiration. I've made, as my very first full dress on SL, an extremely simple little high-waisted frock with straight sleeves and a square neckline which by SL standards is probably prudish but which feels quite bare to me. It has significant flaws, but I am in love with it anyway. The print is adapted from a William Morris wallpaper, and makes me feel springy despite the fact that it actually snowed just yesterday.

I took my new creation to Caledon-on-Sea for a bit of fresh air. Doesn't it have the most clever little pockets? The skirt just doesn't attach as I'd like, and my attempts to fashion a ribbon or belt to go around it to hide the unevenness ended in much swearing and headache which were only alleviated by the prompt administration of rainbow sherbet.

If my work schedule permits, I will make my way to both the Steelhead dance and the Renaissance Fair this weekend. With a little tweaking in different directions, the gown should work for both. There's also some sort of mysterious classical concert going on that I am told I can't miss, so it should be getting plenty of mileage.

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