Thursday, December 6, 2007

A smallish note of thanks

I didn't know what to expect from my first rezday party. It felt a little odd to celebrate it, in the first place, since I didn't start to log in regularly until almost the middle of March. And to be completely honest, I didn't expect anyone to really show up- things are always busy in Caledon, and... "What poster?" asked my friend, only a few hours before the party when I asked him if he'd be dropping by. I was hoping some would for Gnarli's sake more than mine, since he went to the trouble of arranging everything. For whatever reason, people did, and what resulted was a lovely evening of the sort I favor in RL. Between the darling gifts (a cello! from Mr. Abel, a buoy with bells! from Mr. O'Toole, a tea-table from Lady Christine with scoooooones- just to name a few), the perfect music thanks to Sir Edward, the laughter, and good company from everyone who came, I really felt quite blessed and touched by everybody's kindness. Thank you all so much. :)

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